Heating and Cooling Solutions for You
Explore Our Special Offers Today!

From environmental control to the systems that make businesses go, A-1 Mechanical specializes in the design, engineering and installation of heating, cooling, communication, and other mechanical and electrical systems.
In addition to commercial, A-1 Mechanical is your local choice for residential installation and service of your heating, cooling, and electrical systems.
A-1 Mechanical designs the plans for these systems in-house. All of the mechanical and electrical engineering, as well as AutoCAD design, is done by the firm’s own staff. Because we engineer our projects in-house, we can bring most jobs in under budget and right on time.
Today A-1 Mechanical has 100 employees, over 200 years of combined experience — experience clients can count on when they need a job done both competently and efficiently.

How Much Money Can You Save with a New Air Conditioner?
Our SEER2 energy calculator can help determine how much you could save on your utility bills. Simply enter your current unit's SEER value and compare it to a newer, more efficient SEER2 system. You can even customize it to better match your home's system for a more accurate calculation.
SEER2 Energy Savings Calculator
{{ seerOld }} SEER vs {{ seerNew }} SEER2
{{ annualSavingsPercent() }}%
Annual Cost
Annual Cost
Estimated 15-Year Savings:*
${{ projectedSavings }}
{{ year }} {{ state }} average residential electricity
retail price of {{ price }}¢/kWH**.
*Based on an average annual utility rate increase of {{
avgUtilityIncrease }}%.
This calculator does not guarantee actual costs or savings and is only to be used for educational purposes.
Customize to Your Home
Adjust these settings for a more accurate calculation:
Rate (¢/kWH)
Average Annual Cooling Hours***
Historical Comparison
{{ state }}'s electricity prices compared to {{ yearFifteenYearsAgo }}.
{{ yearFifteenYearsAgo }}
{{ priceFifteenYearsAgo }}¢/kWH
{{ yearTenYearsAgo }}
{{ differenceTenYears }}
{{ priceTenYearsAgo }}¢/kWH
{{ yearFiveYearsAgo }}
{{ differenceFiveYears }}
{{ priceFiveYearsAgo }}¢/kWH
{{ year }}
{{ differenceCurrentYear }}
{{ price }}¢/kWH
** Data from U.S. Energy Information Administration
*** Data from 2002 EPA study
** Data for Canadian cities from nrcan.gc.ca
*** Data from weatherdatadepot.com

A-1 Mechanical proudly offers Carrier products. Carrier is a world leader in heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration solutions. We constantly build upon our history of proven innovation with new products and services that improve global comfort and efficiency. But what makes A-1 Mechanical great isn't just our HVAC systems. It's our personal service, commitment to quality, and technological innovations that allow us to be a leading HVAC contractor.

Electrical and Mini-Split Installation in Las Vegas, NV 89131
A-1 Mechanical & Electric
is a Nevada air conditioning, heating, electrical, telecommunications repair, service, replacement and maintenance company located in Clark County. A-1 employs only the best technicians for heat pump repair, air conditioner repairs, and furnace repairs as well as all air conditioner replacements, furnace replacements and heat pump replacements in the greater Las Vegas area. To set up a repair service estimate or replacement estimate, call 702-363-6222.